
Thursday, 16 May 2013

Yu Dan's Home Sweet Home!

Finally the day has come! We have been missing him so much from the time we bought him and during his quarantine period after his second jab and microchipping.

Before meeting up with Joan's parents, I have made an appointment with a vet near Sixth Avenue, Namly Animal Clinic for a health check to ensure that Yu Dan's is of good condition.

Had lunch at Ikea and got Yu Dan a puppy soft toy, I thought it would be a good companion for Yu Dan. Now Yu Dan have lots of toys for him to counter his separation anxiety.

Not setting the kennel as our first priority, we dropped by Pet Movers Megamart to get Yu Dan's outdoor drinking bottle cause it is the cheapest from all the pet stores and online shops I have visited. Also purchased 3 fences from there as I think it is better to expand Yu Dan's playground if not it the play pen would be very tight for Yu Dan to run about if I squeeze in the pee tray, upgrading his play pen from 1 room to 2 room! One for play/sleep, the other for his toilet. :)

Yu dan was such a good boy during the car ride to the vet. There were 3 large dogs at the vet's clinic, I think they didn't even notice Yu Dan at all, tiny little guy relaxing comfortably on Joan's arms like a baby. Haha!

Anyway, Yu Dan's health is good, so said the vet. She said Yu Dan has no health problem or skin issues but has a wee bit of dandruff!!! Added on, it is common for puppies that are purchased from kennels due to the environment and care given. We just need to use anti-dandruff shampoo for him to solve the problem. Hopefully it helps...

Also bought Heartgard at the clinic for Yu Dan. It helps to prevent heart worm especially when he is a puppy with low immunity.

Some information to share about heartgard for those who have not been using this.

What is heartworm disease?

Heartworm disease in dogs (dirofilariasis) is a serious and potentially fatal disease. Heartworms spend their adult lives in the right side of the heart and the large blood vessels that connect the heart to the lungs. The adult worms block the heart and major blood vessels leading from the heart to the lungs, liver, and kidneys.

How do dogs get heartworms?

Heartworms are transmitted from one dog to another by mosquitoes, which pick up tiny immature heartworms, called microfilariae, when they bite an infected dog. Larvae develop and are then transmitted to another dog when that dog is bitten by the infected mosquito. 

Can my dog “get” heartworm disease directly from an infected dog?

No, the way dogs become infected is via a bite from a mosquito that is carrying heartworm larvae.

For full information, go to Heartgard .

Time to bring Yu Dan home!

Entered the house and left Yu Dan on the floor. I wanted him to start peeing first which he actually did the moment we put him down on the floor. Guess he really has kept his pee in throughout the whole journey. The reason for me by putting him on the floor was to collect his pee for the pee tray instead of putting him right in the play pen whereby he would just wet the whole pen.

I guess it works! Yu Dan been doing all his peeing (3 times) on the pee tray but not pooing at the pee tray (2 times) which I need to teach him to. He just poo right outside the entrance of his play pen, on the floor, beside the pee tray. There will be lots of opportunities to do so as puppies usually poo right after their meal, I read that they also do it when they just awake up. Just need to catch them in action to correct them!

Yu Dan is very playful, enjoying his toy and short moments with us. The kennel owner said that we must not play with puppies when we bring them home, if not they will clinch onto us to minimize their separation anxiety. Also, in the future, it will be harder for us to leave his sight, whining and crying non-stop. But still, I let him run around the house for a start, few minutes, I count that as exploring his new home! :)

Need to learn and train Yu Dan as soon as possible. Hope I can do it!

Moments of Yu Dan on his first day!

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